Thursday, April 30, 2009
Too Cute To Correct & Too Gross Not To
Old Mother Hubbard

It's bad when your kids ask you to go grocery shopping...soon...please.....
I would have taken pictures of the emptyish cupboards as well - but if I had that much time I should have gone grocery shopping.
At least my 13 gallon freezer is full of meat. Although that won't help much tomorrow, since we don't eat meat on Friday's.
Disgruntled with
The manual or the child tip #1 for saving time.
I couldn't remember how to change the setting. I couldn't find the manual. I looked it up online. Nathan was looking over my shoulder and then disappeared, I thought he was bored. As I was trying to decipher the directions I hear Henry from the other room, "Mom, Nathan figured it out - it's ready to go!".
I should have saved myself some work and handed it to him to begin with.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The reason I don't schedule floor washings...
Monday, April 27, 2009
If you are reading this blog...
WOW! This brings jumping rope to a whole new level!!
What do the contents of your pockets say about you?
Lap Books
The benefits I am seeing?
1. My kids are becoming "experts" in those areas.
2. They have something to show people that they are proud of.
3. We have one place to "store" all the pictures that they make. We have pictures hanging on our wall from the Middle Ages studies we did a few months ago. It would be really neat if they could go in a folder (some are too big - maybe I'll copy portions of the big poster).
4. They love to keep looking over their books - they are remembering what they learned.
I'll try to post a picture of one of them in the next week or so.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Daily Mass - Or semi-weekly Mass?
1. The kids have gotten into the routine of Wed. am Mass and don't want to miss it.
2. The baby is learning to sit quietly through Mass.
3. Although I am not into a "concert" at Mass, if it makes my younger ones excited to go to the daily Mass instead of crying all the way there - I'm all for it.
4. School Mass is good for the kid directed homily.
5. Get back into the habit of packing new clothes in the diaper bag immediately after getting home after using the spare.
6. Even though my kids are quiet, I still cannot be completely focused on the Mass. I was so intent on praying that I hadn't noticed my 3 year old "boogying" in the pew during one of the songs. Oh well.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tee hee
On a more serious note...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Can you help me figure this one out?
Friday, April 17, 2009
Getting your hubby and kids to help with errands...
... is easy! Here are my secrets.
Wednesday is Special Night Out around here. Every Wednesday Prince Charming tries to get home so that we can have dinner by 6:00. Right after dinner, Prince Charming takes one of the kids to run errands for me and then out for ice cream. We rotate through the kiddos. The children really look forward to having time alone with Dad and I get a few errands run without having to drag everyone with me. Oh and the kiddo does not have to help with dinner clean up so everyone wins.
However, a lot of times the whole crew has to go with me. In these cases, I find that when my kids are informed, they act better. "We are going to go to the bank, the grocery store for cereal, bread and milk, then to the library and the post office. Then home to have beef stroganoff for dinner." As far as the dilly dallying goes, I am a softy. Does it matter if we take five minutes to stomp in puddles? Maybe. But once again, for my kids information is key here. "Guys, there are cars here. It is not safe to run in the puddles. But once we finish the post office I will stop at the park to find some puddles." or we can stomp in the puddles at home or whatever. But whatever you tell them, you have to stick to. No squeezing in one more thing because they are being so good.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Eyelash Hypotrichosis
If someone reading this truly has problems due to inadequate eyelashes I do apologize. Guess it's just my lack of understanding this situation.
But no one will see mine anyway this summer. Today I bought a nice pair of sunglasses because I suffer from what I will call I KNOW IT'S DAYTIME AND I AM NOT EVEN TIRED BUT MY EYES KEEP FALLING ASLEEP WHILE DRIVING syndrom in which I fall asleep at the wheel when I don't have a pair of really good sunglasses on.
So, as I was suffering over this huge decision, because they weren't cheap and will NOT be lost again, I finally realized something. The rather large pair that the optometrist picked out for me when I first asked for help, the pair I nicely put in the NO WAY pile immediately- really ended up being the best pair for my eyes. I looked at my son Henry and realized, I have a husband and seven kids, who am I trying to impress? And besides, they do a great job of hiding my eyelash hypotrichosis.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
You simply must....
Monday, April 13, 2009
Spy Gear
You have boys.
I can finally tell (after a brief lesson from my girls) the difference between the spy gear alarms, the basement water alarms, and the carbon monoxide alarm. I no longer go running to the basement when an alarm goes off. In fact, now that I understand the alarm system, I kind of get a kick out of finding alarm sensors all over my house.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
SAHM just does not cut it.
Have you heard the term SAHM? It is an acronym for Stay At Home Mom. But it just does not cover it. Instead I think that I am going to refer to myself as SAHBOOHBFCSPTBBKLMFFFKCCANTMCMCTM. Did you catch that? It means Sometimes At Home But Often Out, Homeschooling, Breast Feeding, Co-Sleeping, Picture Taking, Boo Boo Kissing, List Making, Frugal, Fun, Frumpy, Kinda Crazy, Crunchy, All Natural and Tired Mom, Chef, Maid, Chauffer, and Toy Mechanic.
What is your new title going to be?