Thursday, August 12, 2010

Small Successes


It's been a busy week with what seemed like a zillion necessary errands

  1. Requested a new driver's license yesterday (after losing mine over a month ago ).  Then found it this morning, really (along with the cc which I had  immediately cancelled after discovering that I had lost it).  I prayed to St. Anthony but instead of helping me find them I think he was trying to teach me a more careful.  (this is by far the first time it's happened).   And...instead of shoving them in a pocket when I go somewhere I don't want to risk losing my purse...I finally purchased a wrist wallet.  But really, waiting until I actually FOUND my DL?  I think St. Anthony has a sense of humor :)
  2. I finally prayed to St. Francis asking him to please ask the ants to leave my kitchen.  Then my MIL gave me a bottle of a bug killer she has used.  It worked!  We've been battling these tiny little grease ants every summer.  Taro, bait traps, bleach....nothing has worked.  I think St. Francis sent my MIL.  Maybe the ants were disobedient.  One extra bonus kitchen has never been so clean.  Nathan and I removed almost everything from my counters and found them new homes, I've been spraying every night.  When the spraying is over...most of the things will not be going back on my counter.
  3. I finally contacted someone who ran a camp one of my children attended and was injured at after mulling over Crunchy Mamma's post.  It wasn't serious.  But it was incredibly out of the ordinary and I think I should have been informed by someone other than my dd.  I am so the type of person that just shrugs things off.  I don't want to take the time and I really don't like confrontation.  But I think this one required me to act. 
  4. I've finally learned to Bi-locate.  O.K.  so that's stretching it.  But I did set up a few carpools to help out with my inability to be in 2 places at once.   And, I finally called my SIL to ask about helping with driving for a class Anna will be taking this year.  Anna told me she really enjoys spending time with my SIL on these rides (she's helped out in the past as well).  Although we do benefit from her being able and willing to drive during the day we are still praying for her to find a job in this economy (a little prayer for her and all the others still looking for work?)


Michelle said...

Really good week! I think you did well to confront the camp. Praying everything turns out well!

Mary said...

Bi-locate! :)

How did you get rid of those ants? Aside from St. Francis' intercession (great idea, why didn't I think of it?)
Have you read conversion diary post on St. Anthony? It's pretty funny.

LayCarmeliteInTraining said...

I read recently to use dry cream of wheat on floors, counters where ants are. Supposedly they eat it, the cream of wheat expands, and, well, the ants explode.

Farmer's City Wife said...

LOL! I was cleaning out a "junk drawer" and found a license I replaced a while ago. Oops.

Yay for acting in that situation. That takes prudence and courage.

Joy said...

Thank you for commenting, wishing you a good vacation too!

Maria said...

Great successes this week! I really need to ask for more prayers from saints. I hear of so many times they've helped others!

Unknown said...

Great Week! Taking action to protect our children is never a bad thing. I hope it all turns out OK.
I had to laugh about #1. That happens to me all the time with my debit card or something. I find it right AFTER i have called for a new on. LOL!
Have a great weekend!

LayCarmeliteInTraining said...

Oh, I recently went for a walk. Not having a pocket in the skirt I was wearing, I tucked my drivers license in a sock (for ID purposes if I were struck by a car) and set out. When I returned home, I learned my license made it home before I did. It had fallen out of my sock, two women who walking found it and returned it to my house.

doughraisingmom said...

I would also love to know your solution to ants! That gave me a chuckle, and that is going a ways, because I find very little humor in bugs. Sure can identify with misplacing things as well, I guess that will keep a number of saints busy.