Thursday, September 9, 2010

Small Successes


For more small success stories click on the link above. 

This is the back to homeschooling version.  The successes look pretty small

  1.  Went to an Opus Dei Recollection for the first time in a long time.
  2. Cleaned and dusted 1/2 of the master bedroom.
  3. Remained flexible during our first week of school and am making some revisions to our schedule.
    1. Allowed my 1st grader to be the art assistant to my 6th grader while she does art projects with the K and pre-schooler.  This was supposed to be the time where I would be teaching my 1st grader and 3rd graders their reading lessons.  I forgot my 1st grader thrives on projects (hmm...I smell an incentive here).
    2. Did only 1/2 this weeks planned history lesson to make room for an extra geography lesson after my kids asked for more (isn't this what it's all about?!)  It will all get done in the end.  (another incentive here.......)  BTW:  For Geography we are reading Paddle to the Sea and working on the accompanying lesson plans and map pack.  There are 4 or 5 books written by Holling C. Holling in the set.  I'm hoping the excitement continues, it does seem fun.


Unknown said...

Fantastic list of successes this week! It's awesome that homeschooling allows for you to adjust to what your kids are hungry for. It sounds like a great week!

Mary said...

Good for you. sounds like a great week. I bet #1 went a long way toward the other things.

Anonymous said...

Hey and don't forget letting your sister stop by to delvier stuff eventhought it's in the middle of your school schedule. Your sister.. she's awesome :) haha

Anonymous said...

ugh. eventhough, not eventhought. ugh.