Friday, January 21, 2011


Honey I froze the kids (clothes)
I came home from attending a daily Mass alone one FREEZING this!
  1. Soak the clothes
  2. Ring them out
  3. Hang them out and form as they are freezing (this really only takes a couple minutes)
  4. When they stiff plop them in your yard


Margaret in Minnesota said...

Okay, this is HILARIOUS. I would try it but of course that would mean...

Going outside.

LayCarmeliteInTraining said...

It is too cold....did I say too cold to do this -16. minus 16...the clothes would freeze in seconds not minutes (and of course your bare hands trying to form them)>

The Road Scholar said...

Too funny! We ended up doing this for my husband who has been working out of town. We got it done just before he turned down our street. The kids are begging me to make the picture the banner for our blog...we'll see!

Thanks for a fun idea!