Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Life is a maze (ing)

7 year old Wyatt has been busy making a maze.  As I walked past the room, he was so excited, wanting to share his creation with me.  While I do enjoy looking at the kids' creations, I am extra glad that I stopped to look at this one.

The first thing he pointed out was that at the beginning there are 3 choices of paths to follow. can get to finish by starting on any of those paths.  He even showed me how each path worked, including some backtracking when a wrong turn was made.

As I was watching and listening to him I was thinking that this maze is a metaphor for life.  How many times do we neglect to reach our goal because we are paralyzed by that first decision, fearing failure?  How often do we pick a path and get frustrated at having to backtrack?  It takes us a little longer, but if we backtrack rather than quit, we will still reach the desired goal.  And we learn something along the way, we learn to become better at making decisions.

So, yes, life is a maze.  We know where we are and we know where we want to get.  We won't get there unless we start down one of the paths.


Maria said...

Don't you just love when the kids do or say something that leads you to relate it to something else in life?

Crunchy Momma said...

So true!

Crunchy Momma said...

So true!