And here's some more interesting information:
- Her godparents are our 2 oldest kids (Anna and Nathan). How cool is that? As my sister said, "You know you have a big family when..."
- Abigail was actually baptized on Anna's baptism anniversary day. We normally have dessert and light their baptism candle on their anniversary - but we forgot to do that. And later Anna asked if the older kids could watch Percy Jackson - so we'll have her dessert and light her candle in a few days.*
- Anna and Abigail were our only kids who were baptized when they were over a month old. Abigail missing the first opportunity at our parish 'cause she just wasn't eating and thriving, and her momma didn't bounce back as fast either. (both reasons have been discovered and both have been dealt with). With Anna we really wanted her uncle Andy to be the godfather but he was studying in Europe and we waited until he got back (only later did we learn we could have done this by proxy!)
- Jan. 9 (today) is her dad's birthday
- Jan. 10 is Wyatt's last class before his first confession in a couple weeks
- Jan. 12 is Logan's 4th birthday. (we've been counting days...he is thrilled that he is down to counting on 1 hand :) )
- So...Anna, if you are reading this. What would you like for dinner on W night?
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