Thursday, February 14, 2013

Meatless meals during Lent

If you came here looking for some more meal ideas for won't find it.  We were discussing what to do about our Friday Lenten meals over dinner on Ash Wednesday.  We fast from meat on all Fridays throughout the year, so we felt we should do something more.  My husband started a discussion with the kids about why we fast and how it is important to keep our Friday meal, well, nothing special. 

He suggested fish sticks.  Yep, fish sticks every.single.Friday.during lent?  Why?  Those of us old enough to be required to give up meat will grow tired of them very quickly (read....immediately or read blech...)  The 1, 4, and 7 year olds really enjoy fish sticks, though they might not by Eastertime!

I did note the look of horror in my very busy college freshman's face (she happens to be dairy, tomato, and gluten free)...what will I eat?  If you see this Anna, no worries.  I will locate some gluten free fish sticks (you're still worried, aren't you?)  Maybe I'll even throw in a fairly plain salad.

I have to admit, I'm feeling a bit relieved and a bit guilty here.  There goes the sacrifice for me!  YEAH!  or BUMMER!  You see, cooking meatless meals for a family with allergies is a challenge (Anna is not the only one who can't have dairy or tomatos).  And, I've always thought that the meatless days were harder for the cook than those who sit at the table and eat whatever you put in front of them anyway.  Fish sticks are incredibly easy....there are only 2 dairy free brands I've there won't even be pressure there..

So, I can't wait to sit at the table with everyone and eat them week after week (Not!).  Canned spinach might start looking appealing.....


The Road Scholar said...

I wish we had more isn't even one of them. With allergies to dairy, eggs, peanuts, soy, tree nuts (and coconut), rice, fish, shellfish and gluten there are NO options we can all have. So, I'm am a bit envious, actually, that you can all have fish sticks.
I jokingly told the kids today that I gave up cooking for Lent. Can you imagine the look of panic? Especially from the teen's who's job it is to be buddies to those with allergies? Tee hee hee...I will have to go to confession for that one!

LayCarmeliteInTraining said...

Gluten free fish sticks? Do you want to break the bank? Ian's (brand) used to have GF fish sticks. I haven't seen them in a while. But the price was outrageous. A dozen or so thumb sized fish sticks for about $6. I only bought them for a treat for dear daughter and NEVER ate them myself. I could eat the whole box and still not be satisfied.

Road Scholar....Fridays are hard for me as dairy (cheese), no wheat, no eggs, no peanuts. Hard to get protein. But at least no fish allergy so I do usually eat some sort of fish fillet (with GF breading or other coating prepared by me) for supper. Lots of meatless pasta salads. I have a wonderful potato soup recipe that doesn't taste quite as wonderful without real milk (the recipe rarely sees daylight)....sigh

RealMom4Life said...

Oh boy, the two of you make our meals sound EASY!

Wow, I had NO idea Ian's Gluten Free fish sticks cost so much -I just recall seeing them at one point. If I had a gluten free child who really liked fish sticks I'd consider it a special treat - but for someone who doesn't particularly like fish sticks - we'll pass.

That's a great idea teaming a teen up with an allergic child. Thankfully it's my older kids with the allergies - and none life threatening (except Anna's recent anaphalactic reaction to Naproxen Sodium - I gave away the two big bottles we had! Don't want to use the epi-pen!) - so you two are making me feel pretty good here :)