Saturday, June 5, 2010


New Year's resolutions never work so well for me.  I find it difficult to implement something new when starting back into the school year after a nice Christmas break.  However, I am setting some summer resolutions.  Our summer seems to get away from us every year.  I don't want to fill up the calendar and feel like we are always running somewhere, thus I don't plan as much as I should.   At the end of the summer we always feel like it was too busy, but busy doing what?  Who knows.  A little planning here will help.  So, here are some things I have planned, please feel free to comment if you have any more suggestions...or if you think I have gone crazy and have set myself up for failure.  I'd like to know now. :)

  1. Get to Mass at least once during the week (in addition to Sundays). 
  2. Plan one day a week at home with no friends here and no driving anywhere. 
  3. Extend our story time.  I always read books that each of the youngest 4 pick out.  I am going to also start reading a book I pick out.  I have a hidden agenda here, I have been requesting some great books at the library after a Lit talk I recently attended and I want them to hear those books AND I want to increase their listening attention span in preparation for school next fall. 
  4. Be more consistent with family nightly read-a-loud time. 
  5. Take a couple weeks off but then start reading/phonics up for my 1st and 3rd graders, plus math for everyone.  I'm thinking of having math 2-3 days per week for only 30 minutes.  For reading/phonics I just want them each to finish the Little Angel Readers volume they are in.
  6. Take advantage of across town appointments and add in some fun stops
  7. Go on a 1 hour power bike ride at least 5 days/week.  (So far so good). 
  8. Involve my kids in the weekly planning process.  I'd like them to have goals for the summer and for the week as well.  I think those will be better accomplished if I have a heads up.
  9. Go to bed on time every night.  Which is why I should quit now.  I should have gone to bed 3 hours ago.  I don't think I can sleep yet, but screen time isn't going to get me there.

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