Thursday, April 8, 2010

Small Successes

For more small successes (and a great blog to boot) click on the link above.

1.  Packed away the rest of our winter clothes, went through all the old ones, and now have a huge pile to donate.
2.  Finally made it to an Opus Dei recollection.  I used to go every month but in the last 2 years I probably went twice.  You know how you're trying to get somewhere and it seems like every obstacle gets in your way?  Well, I had told my husband before (when I was trying to get to a daily Mass) that it probably means I shouldn't be going right now.  His response, "If you're trying to get to Mass (or a recollection) who do you think is putting those obstacles in place?  Don't let the devil win."  Well, hopefully I can make a post soon about recollection.  Let's just say that it was something I needed to hear.
3.  Made a tiny (credit card sized) medical information card to fit in our wallets.  Hopefully this will eliminate the need for me to yell out to my husband, as he's taking a child to the doctor on a Saturday morning, .....remember he's allergic to Zithromax.  And it will eliminate the dumb look on my face, when asked "Any allergies?", while I'm sitting in the doctor's office after having not for slept for two days while stuff is racing through my head.....someone is allergic to it her?  What is it?  


The Road Scholar said...

LOL on the medical cards! My husband has given up and turned all medical reporting responsibilities to me. Between our food and med allergies, I'd need something a little bigger than a credit card! Right now, I carry a journal in my diaper bag.

I'm right with you on getting to Mass or any other religious meeting. I just don't seem to get there. And your husband is right. I DO know who is keeping me away. I need to work on that.

Thank you for your lists.

Melissa said...

Good for you! I'm hoping to tackle the winter clothes transition in the next couple weeks, my kids are all in between sizes too, so that makes this project seem even more impossible!

RealMom4Life said...

woah - a journal! I am thankful we fit on a credit card. It is 8 point font and still shrunk nearly 50%. It's not easy to read but it is readable. So, I guess the fact that we all fit...makes me thankful :)